Chest Pain Certification

The pinnacle of STEMI and non-STEMI care.

Worldwide, Heart Disease Remains the Leading Cause of Death

When someone suffers a heart attack, time is critical. Hospitals and healthcare providers need to be prepared to coordinate care quickly and efficiently. 

The American Heart Association's Chest Pain Center Certification guides hospitals to create an integrated, collaborative approach and improve outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) by providing certified care to patients with STEMI and Non-STEMI helping your hospital stand out.

An impact as high as
the achievement

Chest Pain Center Certification demonstrates that your hospital is part of a coordinated systems of care delivery system built on evidence-based guidelines that standardizes and elevates all levels of care for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and Non-STEMI patients.

An elite community of Chest Pain Centers:

At Chest Pain Centers best-practices strengthen all patient care, and every part of hospital works to orchestrate treatment together for the best outcome.

A Certified Chest Pain Center can expect:

  • Integration of care delivery across service lines.
  • Alignment with best practices to improve efficiency, improving clinical and financial outcomes.
  • Better outcomes for heart attack patients, using a systemized, evidence-based approach.
  • Identification of gaps to reduce variations in care.
  • Alignment with industry leaders in cardiovascular care.
  • Ongoing support from AHA and local organizations, brands consumers recognize and trust.

AHA local collaboration

Local cardiovascular organizations and health authorities are
critical integrate evidence-based best practices and improve cardiac systems of care.


Gold Standard Leadership, Learning and Networking Opportunities:

Hospitals that succeed join an elite community of committed healthcare centers driving national and global conversation about STEMI and non-STEMI care. Chest Pain Center certification not only supports integrated, guidelines-based care, but can raise the profile of your hospital within the community and healthcare sector.

Professional Tools & Education 

Professional Development 

 Networking and Mentorship

 Research Publication

 Local, National, International Benchmarking

Public Awareness

 Competitive Edge in Recruiting


Patient Education, Secondary Prevention Tools


Professional Tools and Education

Following evidence-based guidelines improves outcomes. These tools and resources make it easier to provide consistent quality care.

Our workshops and webinars provide an easy way for professionals to learn the latest treatment guidelines from our experts.

doctor reading tablet

Healthcare Certification Network

Our Online Community for Certified Hospitals

Here you can find support, resources, and the ability to ask questions and receive answers from other experts in the field.

female doctor