How is PAD Diagnosed?

Peripheral artery disease diagnosis begins with a medical history and physical examination. Your health care professional will also ask about your symptoms and check the pulses in your legs. 

Your physical exam may include:

  • Ankle-brachial index (ABI): This painless exam compares the blood pressure in your lower legs to the blood pressure in your arms. It takes only a few minutes and can be performed by your health care professional as part of a routine exam. A normal ABI is 1.00 to 1.40. A value less than or equal to 0.90 is considered abnormal, and, in severe disease, it’s less than 0.5. If your ABI results are normal or borderline (.91 to .99), an exercise treadmill ABI and/or a toe-brachial index (TBI) test also may be done. See a detailed illustration of the ABI test.

PAD watch learn live ABI test

If your ABI is abnormal, you may need more testing. Your doctor may recommend one of these tests:

  • Duplex Ultrasonography: The non-invasive test visualizes the artery with sound waves and measures the blood flow in an artery to indicate the presence of a blockage.
  • Computed Tomographic (CT) Angiography: The non-invasive test uses X-ray and contrast agent (dye) to create pictures of blood vessels in the arteries in your abdomen, pelvis and legs. This test is particularly useful in patients with pacemakers or stents.
  • Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA): The test provides cross-sectional images like a CT without using X-rays.
  • Angiography: During an angiogram, also called an arteriogram, a contrast dye is injected into the artery and X-rays are taken to show blood flow in the leg arteries to locate any blockages. Learn more about peripheral angiogram.

Remember, PAD often goes undiagnosed. Untreated PAD can lead to painful symptoms or loss of a leg, and people with PAD have an increased risk of coronary artery disease, stroke and heart attack. This is why the American Heart Association encourages people at risk to discuss PAD with their health care professional to ensure early diagnosis and treatment.

Learn more about risk factors for PAD.

PAD Symptoms and Risk Factors

If you have cramping, tingling or weakness in your legs, you might have peripheral artery disease, also known as PAD. PAD can lead to leg or foot amputation and even heart attack or stroke. Early detection is key!

If you have trouble with your feet or legs, talk to a doctor about PAD and ask to take off your socks.