Mission Lifeline Regional Recognition

Mission: Lifeline® Regional Recognition

AHA’s Mission: Lifeline recognition program has now expanded to recognize Mission: Lifeline Regions participating in Get With Guidelines®-Coronary Artery Disease and Mission: Lifeline Regional Reports. Mission: Lifeline regional report program participants have long since brought together regional and state-wide stakeholders in a collaborative manner reducing mortality and morbidity for STEMI patients, and are now eligible to be recognized by the AHA.

Coming Soon - Update on Mission: Lifeline Regions awarded 2020 Mission: Lifeline Regional recognition

2020 Mission: Lifeline Regional Recognition Measures:

  • % Arrival to 12 Lead ECG <10 Minutes (85%) (NEW) 
  • % Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral From an Inpatient Setting (75%) (NEW) 
  • % Arrival to PCI ≤90 Minutes (75%) 
  • % Mission: Lifeline EMS FMC to PCI (75%) 
  • % Arrival to STEMI Referring Hospital to PCI <120 Minutes (25%) (NEW)
  • % ASA At Discharge (75%)
  • % Beta Blocker at discharge (75%)
  • % High Intensity Statin at discharge (75%)
  • % ACE/ARB at discharge (75%)

How can hospitals participate in Mission: Lifeline Regional Reports and Mission: Lifeline Regional Recognition?

  • Enroll in GWTG-CAD
  • In the enrollment process, agree to participate in the Mission: Lifeline Regional Reports
  • AHA Quality, Outcomes, Research and Analytics Staff will coordinate formal organization and inclusion in a Mission: Lifeline Regional Report
  • Submit STEMI Data into GWTG-CAD
  • Regional Report data is available in real time via GWTG-CAD's NEW Advanced Analytics platform

How can EMS agencies participate in Mission: Lifeline Regional Recognition?

  • Encourage hospital participation in GWTG-CAD
  • Once hospital is enrolled in GWTG-CAD, request the hospital complete the process of creating their EMS Agency picker list.
  • Actively attend institutional and regional STEMI multidisciplinary meetings