Recognition from Get With The Guidelines® - Heart Failure

The Thanks Your Hospital Team Deserves

Hospitals that participate actively and consistently in Get With The Guidelines®- Heart Failure are eligible for public recognition. It's an opportunity to hone a competitive edge in the marketplace by providing tangible evidence of commitment to quality care. Silver, Gold, Silver Plus and Gold Plus award-winning Get With The Guidelines - Heart Failure hospitals are honored at national recognition events during Scientific Sessions and listed by name in advertisements that appear annually in the “Best Hospitals” issue of U.S. News & World Report. Moreover, all award-winning hospitals are offered customizable marketing materials they can use to announce their achievements locally.

Don't miss out on these and other recognition opportunities. Contact your local representative or view recognition criteria for details. Download the Get With The Guidelines - Heart Failure fact sheet for an overview of the achievement, quality, reporting, and descriptive measures reported on via Get With The Guidelines - Heart Failure.

In addition to Get With The Guidelines award opportunities, the program has played an important role in helping hospitals win other prestigious national awards, including Magnet Status, the Malcolm Baldrige Award and the Joint Commission's Codman Award.

See the map (link opens in new window)of recognized hospitals.