Around the AHA
Stories and helpful information from the AHA

'I was able to feel like I can do this'
Outpouring of support eased California woman's journey through cardiomyopathy and a heart transplant.
With mentor's guidance, student completed ambitious study for high school research class
Jan 12, 2023
Having benefited from past mentors, a UCLA professor and accomplished researcher eagerly took on that role for a 16-year-old interested in neuroscience.

AHA names top advances in cardiovascular disease research for 2022
Dec 21, 2022
Consequential findings include developments affecting stroke care, pregnancy outcomes and obesity treatment, as well as a deepening understanding of cardiovascular risk.

Tobacco industry pinpointed targets for menthol messaging, report says
Nov 16, 2022
Study of industry documents, ads and other communications shows decades-long marketing efforts aimed at Black people, women and youth.

Despite hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 'you can still be you'
Oct 13, 2022
Diagnosed with the condition at age 23, a California woman charts a path to continue her vigorous lifestyle.

Here's a movement to boost kids' health on the way to school
Oct 10, 2022
Walking, biking or rolling every day can boost fitness and academic performance.