About Us
For nearly 100 years, we've been fighting heart disease and stroke, striving to save and improve lives.

The six cardiologists who founded the American Heart Association in 1924 would be amazed.
From humble beginnings, the AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. A shared focus on cardiovascular health unites our more than 35 million volunteers and supporters as well as our more than 2,900 employees. Learn more about our lifesaving history.
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer worldwide, and stroke ranks second globally. Even when those conditions don’t result in death, they cause disability and diminish quality of life. We want to see a world free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
Our size and scope let us have real impact. The AHA has invested more than $5 billion in research, making us the largest not-for-profit funding source for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease research next to the federal government. Learn more about our life-changing funded research breakthroughs.
Two Hearts Beating as One
The American Stroke Association is a division of the American Heart Association. The ASA amplifies our efforts to educate people about stroke prevention and treatment.

2022-23 Board of Directors
Raymond P. Vara, Jr.
Marsha Jones
Bertram L. Scott
Michelle A. Albert, MD, MPH, FAHA
Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD, FAHA
Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, MD, ScM, FAHA
Lee Shapiro
Cheryl Anderson, PhD, FAHA
Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA
Douglas S. Boyle
Keith Churchwell, MD, FAHA
Shawn A. Dennis
Linda Gooden
Tom Greco
Ron W. Haddock
Robert A. Harrington, MD, FAHA
Cheryl Pegus, MD, MPH
Ileana Piña, MD, FAHA
James J. Postl
Marcella Roberts, Esq.
Jorge Saucedo, MD, MBA, FAHA
Svati Shah, MD, MS, MHS, FAHA
Katie Miller-Smith
Bob Swan
John J. Warner, MD, FAHA
Thomas Pina Windsor