For the Love of Horses
Animals can help you get more exercise, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, cut stress and boost happiness. That’s why as part of our Healthy Bond for Life™ initiative, we launched Horses Have Heart – a nationwide community celebrating the love of horses for good health and well-being.
People in rural areas live three fewer years than people in urban areas, with rural areas having higher death rates for heart disease and stroke. But together we can change that.

Care for yourself as well as you care for your horse.
Help build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke by organizing a fundraiser. Every dollar makes a difference in the fight against heart disease – the leading cause of death in the world. We’ll help you identify lifestyle habits that may be putting you at risk of heart disease and stroke. Let’s make a big impact!
Learn About the Bond Between People and Animals
Horses Have Heart Resource Center
Our Horses Have Heart Resource Center will help you identify lifestyle habits that may be putting you at risk of heart disease and stroke, like smoking, unhealthy diet, poor sleep habits, and excessive alcohol use. And we’ll show you how to make small, consistent changes to improve your mental and physical health.

Join Healthy for GoodTM and get our free Shop Smart, Eat Smart digital recipe booklet while supplies last!
You don’t need a guilt trip. We know you know. You want to be Healthy for Good. And we’re here to help.
We’ll help keep you on track with tasty recipes, shareable tips, videos and hacks.
- Science-based information
- You-based motivation

Do You Have A Pet Guardian In Place?
Now you can use FreeWill, a free, online tool to help write your will or trust and name a person or organization as the guardian for your pet!
This ensures that no matter what, your best friend is always taken care of. It only takes 20 minutes to complete!