Healthy Bond for Life
It’s time to fight heart disease with Best Friend Fridays. The American Heart Association’s new effort looks to put pets in the workplace, while helping raise money for research, too.

Less stress. Lots of love.
Best Friend Fridays™ celebrate our pet companions who are always there for us – helping us handle stress and boosting our physical and mental health. Having a pet is a Healthy Bond for Life™ that may help you live a longer, healthier life! At work or at play, pets are the best. Take time each Friday to celebrate your pets and all they add to your life and post a photo or video using #BestFriendFridays
Can Owning a Pet Change Your Life?
Pets make us better humans.
Pets as Coworkers
Pets make work better.
Pet Bonding is Good for Your Health and Longer Life
Horses Have Heart
Animals can help you get more exercise, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, cut stress and boost happiness. That’s why we launched Horses Have Heart – a nationwide community celebrating the love of horses for good health and well-being. Join Horses Have Heart and we’ll help you take care of yourself as well as your care for your horses.

Do You Have A Pet Guardian In Place?
Now you can use FreeWill, a free, online tool to help write your will or trust and name a person or organization as the guardian for your pet!
This ensures that no matter what, your best friend is always taken care of. It only takes 20 minutes to complete!